Introducing a new program in your community can feel a little overwhelming. That’s why we have put together free and easy-to-use materials to support you as you spread the word.
You can help families in your region by connecting them to essential services. Get everything you need to promote Help Me Grow in your community — all in one place!
What is Help Me Grow?
Help Me Grow supports families with their child’s development, from ages birth to 5, by connecting them with local free or low-cost services. We help find the best resources for families so they don’t have to. That includes the Ages and Stages Questionnaire (ASQ), which helps them understand their child’s development.
Through Help Me Grow, families can get connected to the support they need, including:
Developmental Screenings
ASQ screenings to check up on a child’s development along with activities to support their learning.
Basic Needs and Health Care Assistance
Access to diapers and formula and support finding healthcare options.
Parental Support
Access to parenting classes, in-home support and ways to connect with other families.
Early Intervention
Access to Early On and Build Up for comprehensive support and intervention in developmental milestones.
Quality Learning and Child Care
Support finding child care, tuition-free/low-cost preschool and determining eligibility for financial assistance.
Behavior Support
Access to trained professionals for behavior support, referrals and general questions (e.g., child development, behavior, parenting).
Promotional Resources and Materials
General Brochure
Printable brochure handout for use at events or delivering quick information.
Information Card
Printable card for use in places like concession stands, lobbies, etc.
Printable flyer for use in places like lobbies or other areas where lines often form.
Billboard Creative
An outdoor placement for large visibility. For specific sizes and use, please contact us.
Half-Page Print Ad
Print ad example for use in printed media. For specific sizes and use, please contact us.
Social Media Posts
Animated and carousel social media posts for use on social pages.
Have questions on how and when to use these resources?
Or, need additional resources that aren’t currently posted here? Not a problem! Let us know by emailing Courtney Gupta at